The Seed and The Fruit

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I was at my very low point for the past several months, and I wasn’t able to do anything about it. I was jobless and endured the wrath of everyone I thought was dear to me but that’s a story for another time.

During this time of course I had been searching for working and probably exhausted all available job options but nothing was happening. During this time my kids and I had sown some seeds like Mango, Curry Leaves, Chillies etc and we were taking care of them but nothing was happening.

The days were very hot so we had to make sure soil was moist and not dry, no direct sun light and good amount of compost and coco peat. We did everything we could but days went by and nothing was happening.

One day we saw chilli plant beginning to come up, after a few days curry plant and almost 2 weeks later Mango plant started to come up. My kids and I were extremely excited to see them germinate. 

I related this whole exercise directly onto myself. There was nothing I could do except try to get better, no matter what I can’t go any worse than what I’m currently. So I began to read more, picked up some hobby projects I had been wanting to do for a long time and just focused on those.

After a couple of weeks, well almost a month I got a job and it felt really good to finally be on payroll .  But if I summarise the above events that happened, they taught me

  • Wishing won’t help change your situation.
  • Changing just one thing a day will make a difference to your life. It could be as simple as getting up early.
  • Bhagwat Gita explains about अकर्म which is doing work but without worrying about it’s fruit. Just do your bit , whether or not it’ll bear fruit you don’t worry about that.
  • Seed must be planted if you want to have fruit.
  • You don’t control when the plant will come out of seed.
  • You don’t control if the plant will bear any fruits.
  • You don’t control if the fruits on the plant will be eaten by you.
  • But if you want to have fruit than you must sow the seed.

However the only guarantee is without sowing seed you will never have fruit.

No person on this earth  is without problems. Even the filthy rich ones, have problems. What you do with them is upto you. 

Have you been wanting to do something but not able to find time? Change one thing in your daily routine and then take next step.

The mind is a world in it’s own. It’ll keep you down on your knees if you submit to it. It doesn’t mean you can’t take breaks , it just means that you must know that even though it’s a break for today you’ll be at it tomorrow.

I try to do workout everyday, however it’s not always possible with a thousand different chores in and around house. So when it gets too hard I take a break on that day. BUT I KEEP TELLING MY MIND don’t get in my way tomorrow and I won’t listen to you either.

So as a wise man once put it keep walking short steps regularly will make huge difference  rather than trying to move mountains when you think the time is right.

There’s no such thing as right time. The right time is when you make a change in your life. Just one small change, and then you add on top of it every day,  in a week it’ll be 7 changes, in a year 54 changes. 

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